
How often have you found yourself saying “no" to a great opportunity or something you’d love to do because you don’t think you’re smart enough, or deserving enough or thin enough or young enough?

Have you decided that your wants and needs should be put aside because it would be selfish, or it would inconvenience your family?

The only thing that’s stopping you from living the life of your dreams is YOU.

Actually, it’s the inner critic who is feeding you a stream of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that’s standing in your way.

But what if you could tune out those thoughts?

What if rather than telling yourself all the reasons why something won’t work out you felt confident in going for it?

How would it feel to make decisions based on your own happiness rather than worry about other people’s opinions?


Seven Days to Unshakable

This is seven days of audio lessons from me sent directly to your e-mail inbox. (If you don’t want to listen to the audio, each lesson is written out.)

Along with the seven days of lessons you get downloadable resources including:

Journaling prompts to understand where you're stuck, where the negative thoughts came from and how it's impacting your life.

Written exercises to start changing your thoughts from limiting to empowering.

A guide to creating your Personal Mission Statement in order to make sure your decisions are aligned with your beliefs and you confidently take steps towards achieving your goals ..

Stepping out of your comfort zone to make radical change is scary. It takes unwavering courage, clarity and confidence. And that requires shutting down your inner critic and being committed to your goals.

Seven Days to Unshakable Self-Confidence will help you better understand how your negative thoughts began and most importantly how to shift them into confident/empowering thoughts.


Your Image

Hi, I’m Alison. As a transformational coach, I help women break free from the clutches of fear and self-doubt, to reclaim their lives with confidence, passion, and joy.

In my early 40s, I was in the throes of self-doubt, facing the daunting prospect of a divorce and diving headfirst into a new business venture. I realized that I had been sidelining my own happiness, constantly concerned about what others thought of me, never believing that I was deserving. Despite professional success, I couldn't shake the feeling that luck was behind it all.

But through an immersive journey of personal growth, including reading, coaching, and journaling, I rewrote the scripts in my head. I kicked out the inner critic with those nasty thoughts that said I wasn't special, that I didn't deserve more, that others were somehow smarter or better. I flipped the script to put my happiness and self-worth front and center.

Now, I'm here to help you rewrite your own story! Together, we'll unleash your hidden potential, and I'll show you how to live life entirely on your terms. Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to unshakeable confidence and joy. Buckle up, because your incredible journey is about to begin!



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